(TL;DR bonus: I've granted early-access to Vito to everyone on this list who isn't already in. All you need to do is visit and pop your email address in. Wheee!)
It’s been 2 months. I’m always a bit surprised, and then disappointed, to see how quickly time can evaporate without noticing. There are always reasons, although I usually say to myself “these aren’t excuses”.
But we’ve done so much, even still!
These last few months have been spending “a week” getting ready to launch. The main things we have to launch are:
- Tito’s new checkout
- Tito’s new dashboard
- Vito, the whole product
Between one thing and another, these things take time, and time passes when you take the time to try to get things right. And then there’s life, bubbling away in the background, or, in our case, intentionally in the foreground. And that foreground is full of covid cases, some burnout, and the rough and tumble that comes with families with small kids.
Business-wise, we’ve come to an interesting intersection.
No product is ever complete, but between Tito and Vito, we now have two apps that are stable. Tito has a few edge case bugs, but these are predominantly with features that we have yet to release out of beta. Vito has some quirks, but on the whole is remarkably stable.
So what do we do next? Same as ever, I suppose, talk about it! I guess it’s no coincidence that I am guiltily sending you this message, 2 months since the last one.
But here we are. Neither you nor I are writing code that is blocking to product development. That’s huge.
Let’s keep talking…
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