Hello Irregular friends “I love you” - the 3 little words we are all supposed to long to hear, or wait to say… words that can change lives forever… words imbued with such importance and meaning that poets, musicians, academics, philosophers have been exploring and debating their meaning for centuries… so does anyone know exactly what they mean?
I will be sharing irregular ideas about this and other questions of love in “Irregular Jenn’s Solo Variety Show – Non-Toxic Love Edition” at Right Queer Right Now on Saturday 24th at 5pm and Sunday 25th at 2pm. I’m so thrilled to be part of a whole TWO weekends of the most exciting queer arts at Theatre in the Mill, Bradford.I wanted to ask you, today of all days, Valentine’s Day, the day when “LOVE” is for sale: Are you buying it? Does love arrive plastic wrapped with a bunch of red roses, packaged in a novelty box of chocolates, swallowed with a supermarket meal deal for two and streamed direct to your eyes and ears via every cliché in movies and love songs? Why are those 3 little words so loaded? What if we could all just say “I love you” whenever we feel it? No strings attached, without fear, without ‘romance’ even. What makes romantic love so very special that (according to every-love-song-ever) without it life has no meaning? I love my friends, my kids, my work, pizza, my pets, Yorkshire – and on good days I can feel the love I have for myself.
And I love you, dear irregular reader, as we fellow beings share connection and belonging.
Love is amazing. It is beautiful. It is surprising. It is, arguably, the most important and powerful feeling we experience in our lives, and perhaps beyond. Songs might tell us love is rare, hard to find and easily gone. Really, love isn’t scarce at all. There’s lots to go around, if you allow yourself to feel it and express it. I'd like more of that in the world - love, shared freely in this simple expression of care and connection. So that’s my invitation to you today – go ahead and tell someone that you love them... not in a romantic way - and please don’t waste your precious resources on hot house flowers and chocolates that will be half price tomorrow… Tell someone, anyone, that you love them – one irregular, bold, random, radical act. Maybe it won’t change the world, but it might just change someone’s view of the world for a moment.
Go on, I dare you! And write back and tell me how it went... and maybe you could share the love by sending this on to a friend or colleague and encouraging them to sign up for Irregular News too?
Thanks for supporting Irregular. If you’d like to read more on this theme, here's a link to a blog I wrote in 2019 about saying "I love you". Subscriptions to the blog will be opening again soon, too, so stay tuned. With love,
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Irregular is the trading name of Irregular Arts, a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company No: 905106718, Wellington Crescent, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3PH, United Kingdom